

Conference abstracts will be available on September 28:

Instructions for Preparation of Abstracts

* Abstracts should be prepared using MS Word (DOC, RTF).
* Filename should consist of author surname, for example Smith_1.doc
* Paper size: A5.
* Margins: top and bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm.
* Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt.
* Single line spacing.
* Total abstract size: from 0.5 page to 1 page.
* No tables, no references, no hyperlinks, no figures.
* Formulas are not preferable. If you need formulas, they should be typed as text.
* Send us a copy of abstract in PDF format.

The text of abstract should be prepared using MS Word as follows:
* Title in capital letters, boldface, centered;
* Authors: initials, surname, boldface and italic, centered;
* Affiliation, city and country name, italic;
* E-mail of the principal author, italic;
* Text of abstract, regular font;
* Paragraphs with indentation of 1.25 cm.

Examples of the abstract are given as PDF and DOC files:
Example of Abstract Example of Abstract